We offer the JAVA-package of "Long Short-Term Memory" for Protein classification (jLSTM_protein). :: License LICENSE, WARRANTY, AND LIABILITY This programm is freely available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. :: Requirements A Java SDK and Apache Ant is required to build jLSTM. You can get the latest Java SDK for free at http://java.sun.com/ and Apache Ant here http://ant.apache.org/ jLSTM is tested with Java 1.6 and Ant 1.6.5 and Ant 1.7.1 other versions of Ant should do as well. :: Building jLSTM with ant type ant in the extracted jLSTM directory. this builds the jlstm.jar :: Running jLSTM with the included example type ant run in the extracted jLSTM directory this runs the included dataset on the a.1.1 SCOP 1.67 superfamily with the a.1.1.2 family in the positive test set. Without ant jLSTM is started by (Unix environment) java -classpath "lib/biojava.jar:lib/bytecode.jar:jlstm.jar" at.jku.bioinf.jlstm.JLSTM -p JLSTM.properties -w wm.mat -t 4 (Windows environment) java -classpath "lib/biojava.jar;lib/bytecode.jar;jlstm.jar" at.jku.bioinf.jlstm.JLSTM -p JLSTM.properties -w wm.mat -t 4 This starts the jLSTM with four threads (-t 4). :: Command line arguments -w wm.mat : Name of the weight matrix which is written or read to/from the files system -p JLSTM.properties : Name of the properties file for configuration. See README.parameter. -t 4 : Number of threads -lw (optional excludes -test) : Load weight matrix from file system and continue training -test (optional excludes -lw) : Load weight matrix from file system and make just one test run :: Important for Remote Homology experiments For Remote Homology experiments it's necessary to extend the positive training sequences with PSI-BLAST. See http://www.bioinf.jku.at/software/LSTM_protein/README.extend and http://www.bioinf.jku.at/software/LSTM_protein/extendSequences.tar.gz :: Citation Please cite: Sepp Hochreiter, Martin Heusel, and Klaus Obermayer. "Fast Model-based Protein Homology Detection without Alignment." Bioinformatics 2007; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm247. 04/03/2009 mhe